maandag 6 december 2010

Why boys and girls can't be friends.

Enough with all the conspiracies and violence of 9/11. Let’s talk about boys and girls and why they can or can not be friends.

Why men and women can’t be friends.
Millions of years of evolution say they can’t. There’s still some sort of hunter in every man and a collector in every woman, that and the need to survive which means procreating. I can’t imagine that both sexes were friends with eachother when they were still living in caves and hunting mammoths.

Why they can be friends.
Well, let’s believe that we’ve grown as human beings thanks to evolution. We can see and feel past the urge to survive and procreate. I’m not saying that sex isn’t a huge part of anyone’s life, but we’ve learned to adapt to sexless periods. And well, guess what, we didn’t extinct. This means that both sexes can interact with eachother, without jumping eachothers bones. Thus men and women can be friends. But it’s not always easy.

Whatever it is, it probably depends on which boy and which girl decide to be friends. I still believe it’s possible, but the question whether or not sex is a (huge) deal between them is the dealbreaker. Or as a guy on the show Cougar Town said:

“Men and women can't be friends without a sexual undercurrent. Look, we find each other attractive. We're flirty. That's our dynamic. But we would never act on it, because we both know it would end in disaster, so we became “friends”. “

dinsdag 9 november 2010

The Pentagon.

We mustn’t forget that the pentagon got hit as well.  On 9/11 at 9.37 a.m. (which is 51 minutes after the first plane hit the WTC towers) a plane went right through three layers of the Pentagon.

Which resulted in this:

Now. Let’s take a closer look at the hole that the “plane” made.

The picture is based on pictures of the Pentagon before the crash, but they made a computer simulation of it and put the plane in front of it. The blue square represents the actual damage after the crash/explosion. As you can see there is no damage from the wings nor from the titanium engines. Which is weird seeing as the engines are made out of TITANIUM! They weren’t found afterwards, not even a slice of it. Some say the engines were melted down by the flames. Others claim that the plane didn’t carry enough kerosene to melt TITANIUM engines down. Fact is that the temprature inside the pentagon had to be higher than 1668°C for over atleast an hour.  As you can see in the video below, the fireblaze only lasts for a couple of seconds and is followed by a lot of heavy dark smoke which would indicate that the explosion didn’t come from kerosene and that the temperature inside couldn’t have been 1668°C. Therefore there should be evidence of engines, but there isn't any.

maandag 18 oktober 2010

Let's talk numbers.

There are other reasons to believe Bush or someone else was behind the attacks. As you all know the planes who flew in the towers and in the Pentagon were United Airlines or American Airlines planes.

On the days leading up to 9/11 those were the only airlines who saw a rise in their put to call ratio.  Put options are some sort of bet on which you bet that the stock will fall. On 6 september 3 150 put options were place don the United Airlines stock. This was more than four times their daily average. But it gets better. The next day their put options were five times their daily average. On 10 september 2001 the put options on the American Airlines stock were eleven times its daily averge.

“A measure of abnormal long put volume was also examined and seen to be at abnormally high levels in the days leading up to the attacks. Consequently, the paper concludes that there is evidence of unusual option market activity in the days leading up to September 11 that is consistent with investors trading on advance knowledge of the attacks” -  Allen M. Poteshman

Insurance companies saw strange trading activities as well. Citigroup Inc. Had about 45 times the normal volume during the three days before the attack for options that profit if the stock falls below $40. 

dinsdag 5 oktober 2010

Bush & 9/11

The world is full of people and just as in the classroom where the fatty can’t know that the cheerleader did it with his friend, governments all over the world are trying to hide facts from their people. Or aren’t they?

Let’s start with the WTC towers. There are people all over the world who believe that Bush’ government had something to do with the attacks. And they have a couple of very good and convincing arguments. 

First of all; every American who was awake at  8:48 (which is 2 minutes after the first crash happend) heard of the first attack. CNN broke into his regular programming to be the first to talk about the crash. Withing a couple of minutes all the other networks were reporting about the crash aswell. Where was Bush at that point? 

He was riding to the Emma E. Booker Elementary School. 
Now. He is the president right? And he’s sitting there in his limo surrounded by his staff and CIA-agents and FBI-agents. Surely they would’ve told him that there happened something with the towers. Yet, Bush claims the following: “I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower—the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there’s one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off there, I didn’t have much time to think about it.” 

Of course he hadn’t much time to think about it. He was the president and he had to go on and listen to kids! Who cares if the country was under attack?